Welcome & Overview

Hello and welcome!

I'm Heather Borders, a Culinary Dietitian, and this Virtual Grocery Store Course is for people who know that nutrition plays a primary role in how they feel, recognizing that food can prevent and even reverse chronic disease.

The Struggle Is Real

In today's busy world, cooking has taken second or even third fiddle to everything that has landed on our plate. I frequently hear clients struggling to know what to cook. And we're all tired at the end of the day. When we've had a full day of work, and there are all sorts of family responsibilities pulling at us, cooking tends to be an afterthought.

Loving Your Local Grocer

Grocery shopping has become a chore these days and with so many products on the shelf, it's overwhelming. I know there are foods and products on the shelf that we pass by wondering what it is but just keep going. We hope this virtual grocery store tour will allow you to get the most out of your local grocer and expand your thoughts on how to go about shopping to support your health goals so that you can optimize your life in the way that you deserve.

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